Catharine Temaluru Meet the Designer-Artist

Where do you live?

Jakarta, Indonesia

Describe your artistic style.

Whimsical and imaginative.

What inspires you as a designer-artist?

The beauty of nature, myths, memories, people, music, books, colors, and almost everything around me.

What materials do you most enjoy working with?

Wire is my primary medium. Other materials, factory made or just simple found objects, are used to complete the designs.

What is the name of the piece you submitted with your success story?

D'Ardaigh Series

What inspired this design?

The beauty of roses and nature.

How did it come together?

I designed this set for Diana, one of Miss Indonesia 2012 finalists. I planned the rose as center piece from the very beginning; other components seemed to define their selves once I began.

When and how did you begin making jewelry/beading?

I began making jewelries in 2009, and fell in love with wire wrapping on April 2009. Because I usually found that manufactured jewelries can't satisfy me anymore. I often ended up dissatisfied by them. Let's say I'm standing in front of a jewelry display looking at some earrings: A, B, C, and D. I want A type earrings with B colors, C size and D accent. So, I decided to make my own, with my own combinations lol.

Do you have an artistic background?

If we're talking about formal degree or certified course, nope I don't have any. But it does run in our family. Some of my relatives do artistic works either as hobby, part-time or full-time job.

How did you discover Fire Mountain Gems and Beads®?

I was googling for jewelry design/making contest to boost my jewelry making mood when I found FMG jewelry-making contest. I submitted a design, and somehow someway it was selected as finalists.

What other hobbies do you have?

 Reading, music related, travelling.

What role does jewelry-making play in your life?

It's my hobby, then it becomes my part time career. It's my self-actualization therapy. It's my stress reliever.

If you used jewelry-making as a way to bring in income, how are you selling yourself and your jewelry?

I enter contests to boost my creative mood, and also to challenge myself to higher level. I sell my jewelries through my Facebook page, and through referrals from previous buyers. I also do some giveaway, quizzes and games on my Facebook page. I write a jewelry journal, where I'm planning to share my creative process and showcase my jewelries, but at this moment I can't write too often lol. I hope I can have my own website soon.

Do you participate in any charity fundraisers?

Yes. I donated to some fundraising events.

Any advice for aspiring jewelry-artists?

Everything is possible in your imaginations, so keep dreaming, keep practicing, keep designing, keep making your jewelry in your own way. And put your heart in your jewelry pieces :)

View all of Catharine's designs in the Gallery of Designs.