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Jewelry Artists

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Marielle Teasdale
Marielle Teasdale
Etsy, my website, symposiums, a boutique in Italy.
Jama Watts
Jama Watts
Jewelry making is my life.
Jan Rosell
Jan Rosell
I start as sketching a piece of wearable, repurposed materials dedicated to signifying a worthy piece of creation
Suzanne Neve
Suzanne Neve
I've sold my designs via word of mouth and
Anne Stokes
Anne Stokes
I like making pretty things. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and makes me happy.
Sergiy Nagorny
Sergiy Nagorny
I work with copper and silver wire and semiprecious stones and beads. I prefer working mostly with copper lately because it gives so much freedom to experiment and create different designs without being too costly
Linda Vizcaino-Rivera
Linda Vizcaino-Rivera
I never knew that I could or would enjoy creating beautiful pieces of jewelry. Hence, the name given to my jewelry business: Created by Grace Designs.
Kit Skeoch
Kit Skeoch
Over the years I have both donated and sold my work. I have a home studio and open it to the public during the Spring/Summer/Fall months.
Natasha Downs
Natasha Downs
I use a variety of metal clay techniques and traditional jewelry making. The Korean keumboo adds the richness of high karat gold.
Skylar Mou
Skylar Mou
I sell my one-of-a-kind pieces on etsy! You can find them at
Ei Leen Simone
Ei Leen Simone
I plan to attend craft fairs in my area. And of course, my biggest selling is through word of mouth, which I truly appreciate
Tiffany Siegel
Tiffany Siegel
It's just something that came from within me. I believe my style is a bit unique and
Vada Jo Veter
Vada Jo Veter
I started making ornaments years ago, got the netting down good then started to change up.
Divya N.
Divya N.
Most of my collections are sold online through Facebook and the rest through artisans fairs.
Michele Dischino
Michele Dischino
My designs are available for sale at the Southington Community Cultural Arts Center (SoCCA), a local non-profit.
Becky Miller
Becky Miller
There are many creative people in the world, and I wanted to make something different. I love working with my hands. You can take
Christopher Davis
Christopher Davis
Jewelry-making has gone from hobby to part-time career, but will eventually be full-time. It is another way of helping.
Iryna Shlapakova
Iryna Shlapakova
I started to sell on Etsy 7 years ago, but also I created my own website 3 years ago
Marian Crane
Marian Crane
I find I can be inspired by history, culture, mythology, politics and science.
Grace McEwen
Grace McEwen
Color drives me. I enjoy finding new beads with great colors and mixing them to create one-of-a-kind pieces of wearable art. I think my style is mostly modern and fresh, and I am most proud of my knitted necklaces. I use lots of color with both gem beads and glass beads to help create eye-catching pieces
Tatiana Van Iten
Tatiana Van Iten
I have participated in many exhibits since earning recognition from the Fire Mountain Gems and Beads®.
Sheila Schwede
Sheila Schwede
Art shows have been a wonderful selling opportunity for my designs, choosing the right venue is extremely important
Krafty Max Originals
Krafty Max Originals
I love to create. I am glad that I am not focused on only one medium, this way
Rangashrii Santhanam
Rangashrii Santhanam
Nature is a huge source of inspiration. I love the Myriad variety of colors and shapes that we possibly cannot even imagine
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